Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Liturgy of the Hours

I love the app for my new android phone for the liturgy of the hours. It is from http://www.universalis.com/. How awesome are free apps? I usually only get one prayer time in, but it's all there for you in this great app.

The other two apps I really like are one for a rosary and another that has the daily readings and reflections from different sources. The readings are included with the liturgy of the hours app above, but the reflection is by a layman, and I really like for the reflection to be by a priest or from a saint. I'm just sayin'.

I just typed in "catholic" I think into the android market search tool on my new phone to find these apps.

I've been training for a new job and it has gotten me up earlier than usual. Hopefully I will stick to it and make it to 8:30am daily mass at St Sylvester's - my fondest hope...That would be the best way to get my readings and reflection, I reckon!


Pic is from Wikimedia Commons by Daniel Tibi (Dti) | daniel-tibi.de

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